Help! My dehumidifier is not working – what can I do?

At this time of year when the mercury drops below freezing we often get phone calls from customers saying that their dehumidifier is not working. The problem is usually that it is not collecting any water and yet they still get condensation on their windows.  Frustrating but there is very little that can be done.

A dehumidifier removes the excess moisture from the air but what you do not want the dehumidifier to do is to dry the air so much (below 30%rh) that you start to get dry skin, sore throats and static shocks.  So a dehumidifier does not dry the air down to this level but when the outside air temperature drops down below freezing you do not need much moisture in the air for condensation to form.

All you can do is to run your dehumidifier on it’s maximum setting which will lower the relative humidity further (to about 40%rh) and reduce the amount of condensation on the windows.  But it would be a waste of energy to reduce the relative humidity so low that the condensation is eliminated completely and no-one really wants to live in a home where static shocks are the norm and we suffer from constant sore throats and dry skin.

Thankfully in Britain these cold spares are rare and after a week or so we can get back to normal and the dehumidifier will once more have things under control.

63 responses

  1. Hi, I have just purchased a Marco 10L dehumidifier. I have had it on all night from 6pm to 8am now. It has lowered the humidity from 72% start point to 67% but has now risen again to 70/71% and can’t seem to get below 67%. I previously had a Meaco DD8L Dehumidifier which in the same space of time would reduce the humidity from 72% to 59%? Is my new one broken?

    1. Darren,

      Thank you for your purchases, just keep it running, lowering the relative humidity is a balance between what it does, what you put into the air, what the walls, floors and organic material is holding and what the room temperature is. It will get there.


  2. Just brought my Meaco MeacoDry ABC 12L Dehumidifier, it was working fine, it used have the fan light on and the power light, but notice that the fan is no longer on and just the power light. Is there any reason for this?

  3. I have just bought this and had it running for about 19-20 hours and it works great at keeping condensation at bay. However, I have found that even when setting the target humifity to 40%, it never seems to drop below 65% and usually sits around 70%. Could it just be that I have a very humid flat, or is it possible the machine is faulty?

  4. I had an arete one in a small 2 bed flat at 10 degrees. Set at 55%rh, clean filter, running all the time.
    It switched off for less than a minute every now and then. Even on night mode it was running noisy. But it was maintaining humidity at around 70%.
    Can you tell me why it stuck at 70% please?

  5. I have a MeacoDry ABC dehumidifier12L. My problem is similar to those above, so I have noted those. I have had the machine for a number of years but not sure which filter I need as though I have seen have different numbers

  6. Hello. Had my unit for a few years now but I feel it’s not running how it did when I first got it. For instance it only seems to be running to check humidity levels and then switching off. I’ve set for 55 and it’s showing 56 do would expect it to run. I have wet washing in the room it’s in and it’s -4 outside. I’ve never used the drying washing function as always kept the door open but it’s always run well. Extracted loads of water. Any suggestions? Thanks

    1. Kim,

      Thank you for your purchase and your question.

      If you are only 1%rh off target, then there is not loads of moisture in the air for it to remove, the work has already been done. If you want it to run then you will have to reduce the target to 45 or 50%rh.

      A clean filter also increases the extraction rate.


  7. I had an Arête one delivered today. Went through all the buttons and all worked well. Went back to change to night mode and the fan did not power down and become less noisy. What reasons might it not be powering down and running with a slower fan speed in night mode?

    1. Arete One only has two fan speeds and if it is already in fan speed one then when you swap to Night Mode there will be no change in fan speed because it is already in the lowest fan speed.

  8. Hello. I purchased a Meaco 12l dehumidifier and air purifier, the humidity is set to 55 as recommended, but for a while it shows me that the humidity in the room is only 40. The room is small (attic) it is not insulated and mold is growing in the wardrobe built into the wall, that’s why I bought it. What’s happening to it I don’t understand anymore.

    1. Thank you for your purchase and your question.

      Mould grows on damp surfaces, so the outside wall in this case is damp and cold, this means that when the dry air from the room comes into contact with the cold, damp, surface the relative humidity increases past the 68%rh needed for mould to grow.

      To fix this think about why that wall is wet in the first place, where is the water coming from. It could be outside (rain, missing tiles on the roof etc), or inside from a leak or many years of high humidity. Sort that problem out and then insulate the wall to make it warmer.

      Then your problem will go away.


  9. My arête 20 litre dehumidifier is removing the condensation from the windows, which is what we required
    but it never achieves the 50rh target that we set. Why ?

    1. Andrew,

      Thank you for your message regarding your Arete and the target RH levels. It’s great to hear that the unit has had a positive effect on the condensation issues on your windows!

      There are a few reasons why your unit might not be reaching the set target. First, it’s important to ensure that the unit is appropriately sized for the space you’re using it in. Additionally, humidity levels can fluctuate in any environment, so while you may not hit the exact target, you should have noticed a decrease in humidity from when you first started using it. Warming up the space can also help, and you may want to consider adjusting the target RH to 55%, which is a more common and recommended setting. This will give the unit a better chance to reach and maintain your desired humidity level, especially when using the auto switch-off feature.

      To help achieve your target RH, make sure the unit is the right size for your space, check for any ongoing moisture sources, keep the room at a warmer temperature, run the unit continuously or on an automatic setting, and ensure the filter is clean and there’s adequate airflow around the unit.

      We hope you continue to see positive changes in your home.

      Kind regards,

  10. I bought arete one for more than a year. At first it’s working perfectly but now even it on for over night for about 16 hours but it’s only absorbed a bit of water,not even 1/4 of the tank and there still a lot of condensation in our windows. In my case, is my dehumidifier still working?

    1. Cheska,

      Thank you for your message and question regarding reduced extraction. In colder conditions, such as in colder homes, compressor-based units like the Arete tend to extract less moisture. It’s important to ensure the unit is the right capacity for the space you’re using it in. Positioning the unit closer to areas with higher humidity can also help. In cold environments, the air holds less moisture, which leads to reduced extraction.

      To improve extraction, you can introduce some heat into the space, which should help increase both the extraction levels and the water collected in the tank. However, this won’t necessarily solve window condensation issues. It’s important to let the unit run continuously, rather than just during set periods, to help maintain the desired humidity levels.

      If your windows are single-glazed, they will always struggle with condensation, especially during colder months. Consider factors that contribute to humidity in your home and how you can reduce them.

      To improve performance, try warming the space, ensuring the filter is clean, and providing adequate airflow around the unit. Every drop of water collected is one less that would have been sitting on your window sills.

      Hopefully, these adjustments will help improve the situation.

      Kind regards,

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