How air circulators help reduce the risk of spreading viruses
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Last Updated On 19 April 2022
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Advice office
The next phase of the Government road map for easing restrictions commenced on May 17th with the further re-opening of the hospitality industry. Groups of six people or two households can now dine indoors together. As restaurants and pubs across England welcome back customers, a long list of new procedures and practices have been implemented to ensure a safe COVID compliant environment. According to The Health and Safety Executive good ventilation can help reduce the risk of spreading viruses, and advises increasing the supply of fresh air through open windows and doors (unless fire doors) or with the use of mechanical systems.
Advice from an air treatment expert
Chris Michael, MD Meaco, comments that a quick and easy way to achieve this is with well-positioned fans. Apart from the obvious cooling benefit of fans, they are important in increasing the airflow being circulated. By positioning fans by windows and open doors, everyone will benefit from the fresh air moved around a room, as they eat and drink.
Meaco developed a family of five quiet fans that deliver superior air circulation performance. By using DC technology results in low noise levels, low running costs, and a longer product lifespan.
MeacoFan 1056 Air circulator
Fresh air with a MeacoFan
The top of the range MeacoFan 1056 and its pedestal version, 1056P are award-winning super-quiet energy-efficient fans, with Quiet Mark accreditation. Independent tests have shown that the MeacoFan 1056 moves more air and moves that air further than other fans on the market and does so at a lower noise level. Multi-directional operation means air bounces off walls and ceilings, keeping the air moving and with noise levels described as ‘whisper quiet’ at 20dB.
Maintain good air circulation
To obtain the most out of a fan and improve ventilation, Chris Michael advises that “it is best to open two windows and place a MeacoFan so that it is blowing the air out of one of the windows. This sucks the stale air out of the room, while fresh air is drawn in from the other window resulting in a significant improvement in air quality in a very short time and ensuring fresh air is circulated quickly around the room.”
Invest in an air purifier
MeacoClean CA-HEPA 76×5 Wi-Fi Air Purifier
Air purifiers can contribute to healthier air quality indoors. The MeacoClean range is an excellent solution for improving the air quality within a restaurant or space with groups of people. Models such as the MeacoClean CA-HEPA 76×5 Wi-Fi is a remote-controlled air purifier that captures 99.7% of pollutants, airborne allergens, and potential viruses.