Having just experienced the wettest February on record, the end seems to be finally in sight for an improvement in the UK’s weather. However, the misery caused by wet damp weather and flooding will now be replaced by the misery of hay fever for some allergy sufferers. According to the Met Office, the UK hay fever season typically starts with tree pollen from late March to mid-May. This can affect around 25% of the population. This, along with the rise in air pollution, which is regularly reported in the press, can herald the start of an afflicted time for some.

MeacoClean CA-HEPA 47×5
It is therefore delightful to see that Ideal Home Magazine has recently published an article on Best air purifiers – the top machines to improve your indoor air quality and reduce allergens, and include the Allergy UK approved MeacoClean 47 x5 air purifier in their list.
Investigated by consumer technology specialist
Ideal Home’s expert gadget tester, Caramel Quin has decades of experience of reviewing technology products, and she set about testing a few machines, considering the size, price, controls, features and noise levels as well as the all-important air purification performance. A fan of using air purifiers, she says they remove everything from dust to very fine particles from the air, quietly and invisibly, particularly useful in colder months when opening doors and windows to improve indoor air quality is not an option.
Quiet operation makes MeacoClean ideal for bedrooms
An air purifier cleans and circulates all the air in the room. Caramel advises not to place it too close to the wall or furniture, leaving 10cm around it on all sides to guarantee airflow in and out of the air purifier. Room-wise, if you pick one room, pick the bedroom as you spend about a third of your life here. She rated the MeacoClean 47×5 as one of the best for bedrooms, as it offers three speeds and sleep timers (2, 4 or 6 hours). Noise is also an issue, and the MeacoClean 47×5 operates at just 30-50dB making it very quiet.
Caramel also advises on how to choose the right sized machine. Measure your floor space in m². Then pick a machine that promises to clean the air in the room five times an hour. If you enjoy maths homework, then you can measure the volume of the space in m³ and look at the Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR) of various machines to see which suits you best. Caramel particularly liked our Meaco website which helps users work out how often to change the air based on room size. The MeacoClean 47×5 has a multi-stage filtration: dust pre-filter, HEPA, active charcoal, combined PCO (photocatalytic oxidation) and UVC (ultraviolet), and ioniser. The filter lasts around 6 months and there’s a filter change indicator. She found after testing that it removed 83 per cent of PM2.5 and 94 per cent of PM10 particles in an hour, which is a significant improvement in air quality
In summing up it is a “living room hero” and as it is designed to be placed on the floor, it was a “neat floor-standing model”.
To read the article please click on the link below:
Products featured: MeacoClean CA-HEPA air purifiers
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