It’s official! Arete® is Europe’s most popular dehumidifier family

MeacoDry Arete One in Utility

Our MeacoDry Arete® Dehumidifier/ Air Purifier family has emerged on top in the realm of dehumidifiers. Quietly but steadily gaining popularity to become one of the most sought-after appliances across Europe. 

While it might not boast an official crown, its reign is evident through the staggering number of sales in 2023s. With a whopping 178,000 MeacoDry Arete® One units sold in Europe alone (and that’s excluding other Meaco models), the Arete® One has gained widespread acclaim and a host of happy customers.

“This is a great achievement and is testament to how we listened to customers’ needs and paid attention to the detail throughout the design stages.” says Chris Michael, Managing Director at Meaco.

What is it that sets the MeacoDry Arete® One apart from its competitors?

It is not just its sleek design but also its arsenal of impressive features which has captured customers and critics alike. 

One of its standout attributes is its ability to maintain optimal humidity levels efficiently, ensuring a comfortable and healthy environment in any space. We have optimised it for the British climate, meaning it can work efficiently and can even dry your washing in 6 hours on a dedicated Laundry Mode. 

Arete® is all about the detail: the easy to grip water tank and the sliding filter making it possible to position the appliance against the wall. And let’s not forget, it sits perfectly anywhere in the home, whether that’s a cold garage (unlike other compressor dehumidifiers, it can work at a high performance even at 10°C) or quietly humming away on the upstairs hallway.

It’s not just the consumers who have fallen under the spell of the MeacoDry Arete® One. Industry experts have also taken notice. The Which? Best Buy seal of approval (Arete® One 12L and 25L), the prestigious Red Dot Design Award (Arete® One 20L model), and the coveted Quiet Mark certification (Arete® One 12L and 20L models) are just some of the accreditations given. These accolades not only validate its excellence but also serve as a testament to its performance and reliability. From these awards, you’ll know you’re browsing a top of the range appliance which will fit seamlessly into your home and lifestyle.

We are so confident in the design and engineering of Arete®, that it’s the first dehumidifier range in Britain (not just within Meaco) that comes with a 5 year warranty.

So, with its impressive features, unmatched popularity and plethora of awards to its name, it’s no wonder that our MeacoDry Arete® One has become Europe’s most popular dehumidifier. 

Discover Arete® One for yourself:

MeacoDry Arete® One 10L | MeacoDry Arete® One 12L | MeacoDry Arete® One 20L | MeacoDry Arete® One 25L

Not sure which size you’ll need, read our blog: How to choose the right dehumidifier for you

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