Meaco 25L Low Energy Dehumidryer – Extraction Rate Data

The Meaco 25L Low Energy Dehumidryer is by far and away the most energy effecient dehumidifier in our range and is very much deserving of it’s place in our Platinum Range.  For years now we have always tried to bring you as much data as possible about our dehumidifiers in order to try to help educate and inform.  As part of this we believe that it is important for you to be aware how much water each dehumidfier extracts and at what costs.  Below are the (impressive) figures for the Meaco 25L Low Energy Dehumidryer.

Very low energy dehumidifier water extraction>

The Meaco 25L Low Energy Dehumidryer extracts more water, more cheaply than any other dehumidifier in our range which is pretty impressive when you consider the other models in the Platinum Range.

If you have any questions or want to learn more then please do call us on 01483 234900.

Products featured: Meaco 25L Ultra Low Energy Dehumidifier

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