Practical, affordable solutions for damp basements

When we talk to customers who are looking for solutions for damp basements, we often hear complaints about musty smells, mould growth, condensation on cold water pipes and even damage to fabrics and furnishings. It may feel like an expensive thing to fix, but actually you don’t necessarily have to invest in costly basement waterproofing – a little bit of detective work and the right tools could make all the difference.

Solutions for damp basements
Damp basements can cause problems with flooring and furniture.

Why are basements damp?

By their nature, basements are either partly or wholly below ground. Whilst this does mean that a basement sees less temperature fluctuation than the rest of your home, the slow warming of the area during spring and summer means that walls or floor, ceilings, fixtures and fittings may still be quite cool when the air becomes more humid. For that reason, we see more concerns about damp basements in the warmer months than in autumn and winter.

When the humid air comes into contact with a cooler surface or is cooled by entering the basement, the relative humidity increases. Sometimes it increases so much that it condenses and water droplets can be seen, but even before this point mould can start to grow and this is often the hidden problem in a basement. It’s the mould growth that causes the musty smell and damages furnishings – and, if you are really unlucky, can be harmful to health. Long-term  damp in your basement can lead to structural damage in the long run, so it makes sense to take action as soon as you see there is a problem.

Damp proofing basements

The first port of call for homeowners who discover damp in basements is often to go straight to an expensive solution like professional damp proofing. Basements can be damp for a variety of reasons and some of those are straightforward to treat yourself with very little expenditure, so it’s always worth taking the time to trace basement moisture. That’s because the most important thing to do is find out where your moisture is coming from. There could be more than one source, so take the time to look at each area where you think there might be damp present:

Solutions for damp basements
Single-glazed windows can cause condensation and damp in your basement
  • On pipework – if you see condensation or moisture on the pipework in your basement, this could be causing damp at points where the pipework meets other areas of your space – like the flooring. For damp basements with this problem, you could try insulating your pipes – you can pick up pipe insulation at most DIY stores, and it is easy to cut and fit this to your pipes.
  • At basement windows – some basements have original, single glazed windows, and these might not fit as well as modern windows. Gaps in the frame, or cracks in the pane can let in warm air, which then creates condensation and damp. Sealing around window frames, or simply replacing the window with something that performs better can reduce humidity and moisture problems. A new window will also allow you to ventilate your basement better – fresh air is a great antidote to damp.
  • Draining system and downpipes – surprisingly, one of the reasons your basement is damp could be because of the water running off your roof. Check your downpipes and drainage areas to make sure they are unbroken and not leaking. If you can see that this is causing a problem, you could change the downpipes so that they are sitting further away from your walls, or even install a water barrel so that the rain channelled away from your roof doesn’t even reach the basement because it goes into the water barrel first.
  • Appliances – it’s always advisable to install an extractor fan in your basement to remove humid air. A wet basement could be caused by excess moisture problems from your tumble dryer or from a shower room or bathroom. Because there is less natural ventilation in basement areas, you will need to make sure that extractor fans are powerful enough and that they are used every time the basement is in use. For tumble dryers and utility areas, make sure that your dryer is properly vented, so that no excess moisture builds up in the basement.

Damp basements – what to do?

There are lots of different solutions for damp basements. You can follow some of the steps above to reduce the moisture in your living space or basement area, all of which will help to keep your basement drier. There are also options like basement waterproofing, which will help to seal the area against moisture. This might require a trench digging around your foundation wall, and you might need to get a professional in to handle this for you, but it’s a good way to protect the room. You can also use waterproofing solutions on your walls and flooring – fill in any cracks or gaps in your bare walls using specialist waterproof cement or putty. You can then paint on a waterproof coating to help seal the brickwork or concrete more effectively.

Dehumidifiers for damp basement solutions

One of the best investments you can make for a damp basement is a dehumidifier. This is an affordable solution that helps to keep the relative humidity in your basement at a healthy level. A home dehumidifier can remove many litres of water from your room’s atmosphere every day, giving you drier air and a much better living environment. Not expensive to buy, and very cost-effective to run, you can choose the size and type of dehumidifier that’s best for your basement space and set the relative humidity target so that the dehumidifier does all the hard work – all you have to do is empty the tank occasionally.

Dehumidifiers for damp basements
Meaco’s portable dehumidifier can remove moisture from the air in your basement.

Lots of our customers turn to a dehumidifier during the summer months. They are beneficial because they keep the relative humidity below the point at which it will cause moisture problems in a basement and so you get to have a healthy basement space for everyone to enjoy.

To find out more about how our dehumidifiers can be a great solution for damp basements, contact us on 01483 234900 today.

Products featured: home dehumidifiers

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