The Meaco DD8L Zambezi astounded us

Another great review for the new Meaco DD8L Zambezi this time from DehumidifierReviewsHQ who tested a sample back in January.Another great dehumidifier review

Once again they understood what we were trying to achieve and were not put off by the fact that the control panel is nothing like any other dehumidifier out there.  Instead of the normal buttons for fan speed, humidistat and perhaps an ioniser or timer, Zambezi uses just Up/Down, Left/Right and Enter a bit like a remote control for the television.  Completely different to all other dehumidifiers but something that users are finding very easy to master and provide access to so many more options and features.

What was nice about this review was that that they picked up on the energy saving features for the Laundry+ mode and that Zambezi out performed their previous favourite dehumidifiers.  To quote the review;

After placing the Zambezi on its medium fan speed setting and setting it to bring the humidity down to an incredibly low 40% (to really put it through its paces) we were shocked to see that it had not only dealt with every last bit of condensation it had also managed to collect full tank of water in only a few hours. This knocked our socks off! Especially since we used to have our previous dehumidifier running for full days at a time and it was still unable to get the condensation off the windows. The Zambezi took this in its stride and comfortably dealt with it in no time. In fact, with only occasional use over the past few days the condensation on the windows has completely gone – this is usually a permanent feature in the winter months.

After all of the work and effort that we have put into the DD8L Zambezi over the past 2 years or so it is really satisfying when people recognise and understand what we are trying to achieve.  So you can image the smile on our faces when we read;

It features a myriad of minor improvements which, when combined, really result in something quite special. All of these features are focused around energy efficiency and helping make this device one of the most intuitive and easy to use we’ve ever seen.

You can read the full review here and you can learn more about the DD8L Zambezi via our product page.

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