3 ways a dehumidifier can help during the festive season

Amid the festive cheer and the hustle and bustle of hosting guests this Christmas, households may inadvertently face a less merry concern – namely, an unexpected rise in condensation within their homes. If left unaddressed, this may result in dampness and mould presenting a threat to health and home.

However, there is a low-energy, no-hassle solution to this problem. Here our 3 ways a dehumidifier can help you over the festive season.


  1. Removing moisture vapour from daily activities


Hosting at Christmas means more people in the home and no doubt more cooking, too. The boiling or steaming of vegetables and increased showers are just two ways that moisture levels will increase over this period.

Using an extractor fan and opening windows where possible can help, but you may well see condensation forming on the windows, which is the first sign of excessive indoor moisture.

This will be followed by a damp smell – a result of fabrics absorbing the moisture – and perhaps water collecting on windowsills. These conditions set the ideal environment for mould to grow which can impact the fabric of the home and adversely impact people’s health. A dehumidifier will prevent this by removing the additional moisture in the air, leading to a damp and mould free home.


  1. Fight winter bugs and keep air clean


Catching colds or other viruses is common at this time of year, and as people gather for extended time inside over Christmas, these illnesses can easily be spread. Some dehumidifiers come with a HEPA filter, which means that it will double up as an air purifier, making the air healthier as well as dryer. A HEPA filter traps most bacteria, pathogens, microbial spores, pollens, and some virus particles, which can be invaluable at a time where it seems difficult to avoid coughs and colds. Capturing harmful particles and circulating clean air will help keep everyone healthy.


  1. Dry your laundry quicker (and more cost-effectively!)


Whether it’s more clothes, towels or bedding, you’ll no doubt have extra loads of laundry when hosting over the festive period. The cost of running a tumble dryer is steep with high electricity prices and you’ll likely be running out of space indoors to hang wet washing which can take days to dry naturally.

Many dehumidifiers have laundry modes that work at full speed in a six-hour window to dry your washing quicker, collecting the moisture in a water tank, before switching off to conserve electricity. This will allow you to get through your laundry faster and have the clothes horse out for as little time as possible, while preventing the air’s moisture levels getting too high at home.


Browse our dehumidifier range here

3 responses

  1. Hi,
    I’m for ordering one of your dehumidifiers through Amazon as I get alot of condensation on my windows. The condensation is always worse in winter but I read it’s best to use it during the summer.
    Thanks, Roy.

  2. FOURTH benefit is the latent heat that is returned to the air as moisture is condensed. Imagine the heat needed to vaporise each litre of water collected, several pans on the hob simmering gently ! The air blowing from a dehumidifier may not seem so warm because it’s rapid, but it’s a useful heat source a lot of the time. Even more noticeable if it’s near damp washing. Happy Christmas from Michael

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