Using your dehumidifier as an air purifier in summer

As winter finally turns to summer,  many people will stop using their dehumidifier and will be wondering where to store it out of the way. At the same time the welcome warmth from the sun also sadly means for many people the start of allergy season. So, could you use your dehumidifier as an air purifier?

With a third of the British population suffering from some form of allergy in their lifetime, and hay fever seemingly becoming more common with our children, there is a need and the solution might well already be in your hallway!

Repurpose your dehumidifier

Owners of the Meaco 12L Low Energy and the Meaco 20L Low Energy dehumidifiers have that solution and don’t have to worry about trying to get their dehumidifier up the loft ladder!

Both machines have an AP mode which stands for Air Purification Mode. Selecting this mode on the display turns off the dehumidification cycle and just runs the fan. Do this in conjunction with the machine’s HEPA filter and hey presto you can use your dehumidifier as an air purifier.

So there is hopefully no need to spend any more money and yet another gadget for the home!

Using a HEPA filter

A HEPA filter removes 99.7% of particles that have a size greater than 0.3µm which means that it is removing allergens much smaller than a human hair, things that you cannot see but your eyes and nose can certainly sense and react to!

The HEPA filter cleans whatever air is being drawn through the dehumidifier so whether you are using the machine as a dehumidifier or just as an air purifier you benefit from cleaner air.

This is why many people who are worried about mould, dust mites and dust buy one of the two low energy models for use in their homes all year round so that they can benefit from less mould growth in their bathroom or bedrooms, less dust mites in their beds thanks to the dehumidification and less spores, dander and dust in the air thanks to the HEPA filtration.

So the 12L and 20L Low Energy Dehumidifiers give you a true 2 in 1 solution to maintain a drier, healthier, cleaner solution for your home that, as the name suggest, costs less electricity to run.

Products featured: Meaco 12L Low Energy, Meaco 20L Low Energy, Meaco 20L Low Energy HEPA filter, Meaco 12L Low Energy HEPA filter

30 responses

  1. Hi, I just bought the 12L which came with a hepa filter, I just want to confirm, does it cost slightly more and take less water with the filter attached?
    I’ve ran the dehumidifier at 50 but struggling to get below that. I live in a three bed house.

    1. Asley,

      Anything that increases resistance to the airflow will effect the extraction, more details here

      But that is not likely to be why you are not getting below 50%rh. Firstly why would you want to achieve lower because 50-55%rh is the correct level to be at for a home? Secondly all of the time the dehumidifier is taking moisture out of the air you are adding it back in from breathing, cooking, drying laundry, showering and bathing etc. So there is a constant battle going on. In addition to this as you dry the air then the contents of the house start to dry and they add more moisture into the air.

      So the issue in your intial question is not likely to be down to the HEPA filter but the factors I have listed above.


  2. Hi how much power does the meaco 12l dehumidifier use in just AP mode with hepa filter attached compared to co. ?

    Also how long would I have to leave it on in AP mode to purify the air in a small 9x9ft box room?


    1. Ross,

      It woulod use about 25 watts. The room is approximately 22m³ and the machine can draw 90m³/hour through itself so in just over an hour the hour will have been drawn threw it 4 times which is great. How quickly the air will be purified depends on what you want to remove from the air and how often that allergen is being replaced, but if we are talking about particles that the filter can remove from the air then it will make a huge difference in a few hours.


  3. I have purchased the Meaco 20ltr dehumidifier and I just wanted to know if the Air purifying mode works with cooking smells?

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