Using your dehumidifier as an air purifier in summer

As winter finally turns to summer,  many people will stop using their dehumidifier and will be wondering where to store it out of the way. At the same time the welcome warmth from the sun also sadly means for many people the start of allergy season. So, could you use your dehumidifier as an air purifier?

With a third of the British population suffering from some form of allergy in their lifetime, and hay fever seemingly becoming more common with our children, there is a need and the solution might well already be in your hallway!

Repurpose your dehumidifier

Owners of the Meaco 12L Low Energy and the Meaco 20L Low Energy dehumidifiers have that solution and don’t have to worry about trying to get their dehumidifier up the loft ladder!

Both machines have an AP mode which stands for Air Purification Mode. Selecting this mode on the display turns off the dehumidification cycle and just runs the fan. Do this in conjunction with the machine’s HEPA filter and hey presto you can use your dehumidifier as an air purifier.

So there is hopefully no need to spend any more money and yet another gadget for the home!

Using a HEPA filter

A HEPA filter removes 99.7% of particles that have a size greater than 0.3µm which means that it is removing allergens much smaller than a human hair, things that you cannot see but your eyes and nose can certainly sense and react to!

The HEPA filter cleans whatever air is being drawn through the dehumidifier so whether you are using the machine as a dehumidifier or just as an air purifier you benefit from cleaner air.

This is why many people who are worried about mould, dust mites and dust buy one of the two low energy models for use in their homes all year round so that they can benefit from less mould growth in their bathroom or bedrooms, less dust mites in their beds thanks to the dehumidification and less spores, dander and dust in the air thanks to the HEPA filtration.

So the 12L and 20L Low Energy Dehumidifiers give you a true 2 in 1 solution to maintain a drier, healthier, cleaner solution for your home that, as the name suggest, costs less electricity to run.

Products featured: Meaco 12L Low Energy, Meaco 20L Low Energy, Meaco 20L Low Energy HEPA filter, Meaco 12L Low Energy HEPA filter

30 responses

  1. I live in an area where a lot of people use wood-burning stoves. We have old sash windows and I notice the smell of smoke in the join between the window and the frame, so I assume some of the toxic 2.5PM particles are entering our house. Assuming that this is the case, where would be the best place to locate our Meaco 20L dehumidifier/air purifier so that it removes this particulate matter from all rooms? Is this even possible? We live on two floors, with a hall on the ground floor and a landing outside the three bedrooms (my wife and me, and one each for our two kids). The wood smoke levels outside seem to subside at c. 11 p.m. Thanks!

    1. Mark,

      Air purification is done on a room by room basis and the filter on the 20L Low Energy is not large enough for such a concern. I would recommend that you look at the MeacoClean 76×5 as that is a dedicated air purifier to deal with PM2.5 particles. It even has a PM2.5 laser sensor and readout so you would know for sure what is happening.


  2. My 20L Meaco which I had for around 3 months was working very well but now stopped collecting hardly any water and has become quite noisy especially when it switches itself off. I think It’s a fan type noise. I set it to 55 but reads less than 40 and is still on? I thought maybe it was in AP mode but it can’t be if I set it to a certain humidity level.

  3. Hi, I’m sorry if it’s a stupid question, but I recently bought Meacodry ABC dehumidifier and unfortunately only later realised there was a combo available. Is it possible to buy HEPA filter for the ABC, and would it actually help to clean the air?

    1. Aga,

      Thank you for buying the ABC. It is not available with a HEPA filter so you have not missed out on anything.


  4. Please could you get someone to design an animated video demonstrating how your dehumidifiers should be set up. If you could include a demonstration of how the functions are activated and operate – this would help so many people. Manuals are fine but visuals are so much better.

    Many thanks!

  5. Hi .
    I’m happy owner of my 20l dehumidifier but haven’t got a clue how to set machine so it’s going down to set RH and turn itself off and then start itself on as RH will go above set RH ?
    Nothing mentioned in manual .

    1. Kamil,

      Please refer to page 6 of the manual. Press the up or down arrow button below the display once to see what humidity you have currently selected. If you want to change this then press the up or down arrow to change the relative humidity to your preferred setting. the dehumidifier will turn itself off when the relative humidity is 3%rh below the set point.

      Hope this helps.


  6. Hi Chris.

    Could you perhaps let me know the power consumption in purely AP mode, with the HEPA filters, for the 12L and 20L versions?

    Many thanks

  7. I recently got the 20L Low Energy Dehumidifier and it’s been nothing but wonderful. It sucks up so much water I sometimes wonder if it is creating water itself. It is absolutely a brilliant device I should have bought much earlier.

    A quick question on the AP mode. I have the HEPA filter installed. Does this imply air purification is also on during the normal dehumidifying cycle or do I have to run the AP mode separately (during which dehumidifying does not occur) for the air to be purified?

    1. Afeez,

      Thank you for your email, I am glad that you are happy with the machine. As long as the HEPA filter is fitted then you are cleaning the air regardless of which mode you have it in. The important thing is that the fan is drawing air across the filter.


  8. Thank you Chris. It’s great to get a personal reply from “Head of Corporate” these days. I can see that you place great importance on this, and I congratulate you for it.

    I can see why some of your customers might see the droplet LED turning off as a fault. Personally, I like to see what’s going on, but if by staying lit it means fewer phone calls for your company to handle, I get it. It is a bit pandering though, no?

    In terms of communication, you might want to mirror your responses here to customers’ email, because they have no idea at all that you have responded (I suspect this has happened an awful lot, given the low response rate to your thoughtful replies to customers on this Forum). Few are going to want to dig around trying to remember the category in which their comment resides here. Or maybe that’s intentional?

    May I also make a design suggestion for the Meaco Platinum 20L? Include a floating luminescent plastic pip in the water level indicator. It is very hard to see at best, and was a criticism in the Which Review if I recall correctly. I realise that the machine will cut off when full, but it would be nice to monitor it visually.

    Best wishes, and many thanks for your attentiveness.


    1. Anthony,

      Thank you for your reply and again you are right in what you say. We are actually deep into a process of designing our next generation of dehumidifiers and making the water level and the current status of the dehumidifier clearer to the user at a glance.



  9. I bought the 20L model the other day and am very happy with it so far. I have two comments:

    1. The (presumably recent) AP feature is not included in the current online manual (though it is in the printed version).
    2. Is there any reason why the green “droplet” LED indicator stays lit when this unit is clearly not dehumidifying, eg when in sleep mode, and when the unit is using the fan only while sampling humidity? If this is default behaviour, I see no point in the droplet indicator as a feature since it is wholly redundant (except for when indicating when defrost mode is active). Am I missing something?

    Kind regards, and well done on a great product.

    1. Anthony,

      Thank you for your comments and your purchase. You are right that the manual is the wrong version, I have asked for this to be updated. You are right in a way about the LED but when we did remove it years ago it created more problems and phone calls. with the light as it is we get no phone calls so it seems to be a better solution!



  10. Hello Sir,
    Does this mode cool the air? Meaning does it work like a Air Cooler in Winter??


    1. If you use the dehumidifier in air purifier with the dehumidification cycle turned off then it is just working as a fan. If you use it as a dehumidifier and have the HEPA filters fitted to help clean the air then it will dry the air and make the summer more bearable by removing that sticky feeling from the air.

      1. Hi Could you please tell me does the 12ltr version remove smoke odours from rooms as I have purchased one with hepa filter. Thanks

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