You ask the dehumidifier questions – we answer via video

We get lots of dehumidifier questions via email every single day and although we answer each and every one via email as fully as possible we thought that it would help those searching for information on dehumidifiers to answer some via video as well.  So here is our first ever video question and answer film.

Today we have six questions from five different visitors to the Meaco website, the questions are;

Nigel: Can I use a Meaco DD8L on a boat at temperatures below 10°C?
Barry: What do the numbers in your model names relate to, is it tank size?
Ronald: How do you use the timer function on the dehumidifier, mine will not run continuously?
Sian: If I put a Meaco 20L at the bottom of the stairs will it deal with condensation upstairs?
Michael: Can I put a Meaco DD8L on continuous drainage in the garage and should I cover it up when I am woodworking as this creates a lot of dust? 

If you would like to see your dehumidifier question answered via video then please send your question to me via

Products featured: Meaco DD8L

4 responses

  1. I bought the Meaco Arete 10l dehumidifier – after reading the manual I understand there’s a float that helps measure the water level in the water tank.

    What I was wondering is my float is in a plastic bag (that’s now filled with water), but I was struggling to find anything in the manual or online to say it should be in plastic. It may be that it should be – it just did not look right.

    Any help appreciated!

    1. Kyle,

      Thank you for your purchase. the plastic bag in the tank contains the castors, this should be removed. the float is installed and working already for you.


  2. I run a meaco 20L in my son’s bedroom, its been fine for the past year. But over the last couple of days about 2 minutes afer switching on it is turning itself off and the icicle light flashes. I have tried leaving it all day, but it does not come back on. I have tried cleaning the filters, have emptied the tank and have turned up the radiator in the room, but it does not switch back on unless I unplug and plug back in, but then it does exactly the same thing again?

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