MeacoClean 76x5 Air Purifier in childs bedroom with dinosaur print

What does an air purifier do, and how do they work?

An air purifier cleans the air by taking out dust, pollen, and bacteria. This helps make the air inside your home healthier. You may be considering an air purifier in your home for a number of reasons. Perhaps you or someone in your household is suffering from allergies which can make the spring and summer months difficult and uncomfortable. Alternatively, you might live in a highly polluted area like an inner city or close to a major motorway. It might

A group of students around a table in a shared kitchen

Why Every Student Needs a Dehumidifier in Their Uni Accommodation

University life is full of excitement and new experiences, but for many students in the UK, adjusting to the realities of shared accommodation can bring unexpected challenges. One of the most common issues faced by students is dealing with excess moisture in their living spaces. This problem, often underestimated, can

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Friends enjoying a festival in the hot British summer (featured)

5 Essential Tips to Stay Cool at Summer Festivals

The UK summer festival season is a great way to enjoy the warm weather and embrace the outdoors. However, the humid summer heat can sometimes be overwhelming at events.  Recently, we’ve had stories from customers about MeacoFans at Glastonbury. And last week, we were left with this incredible review from

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Three woman happy, socialising outside

7 Tips for Menopause: Manage Hot Flushes and Improve Sleep

Menopause, a natural transition that typically occurs between 45 and 55, signifies the end of a woman’s menstrual cycle and fertility when your ovaries stop producing the oestrogen hormone. While some women experience it earlier due to medical reasons (it can be induced by surgery, medication and chemotherapy), menopause is

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Dehumidifier next to laundry

What does a dehumidifier do?

Living in a damp climate such as the UK can feel like an ongoing battle against condensation, stubborn damp patches, and the looming threat of