What is a humidistat?

One of the questions that customers always seemed to get confused about is why their dehumidifier has turned off or stopped collecting water.  New dehumidifier owners seem to expect their dehumidifiers to run forever and to keep on collecting several litres of water per day.  That is fine but there are perfectly valid reasons why your dehumidifier will not run all day and continuously collect water.  The humidistat.

Before we get too deep into what the humidistat does let’s use an analogy that works well on the phone to our customers.

An analogy that should help explain things

Your radiators at home work with a thermostat and if the stat is set to 22°C then the radiator will be hot when the room temperature is below 22 and cold when the temperature is above 22.  If you put your hand onto the radiator and it feels cold or lukewarm you don’t automatically think that the radiator is faulty and call your supplier, you work out that the room temperature is ok and you know that the thermostat has turned the radiator off.  Later if the radiator is warm you know that it is because the room temperature has dropped and the thermostat has done its job.

So in simple terms…

A humidistat is doing the same job as the thermostat only it measures relative humidity and turns the dehumidifier on or off when the relative humidity goes high or low.

So if you have selected the option to aim for 50%rh then the dehumidifier will be off below this figure and on above 50%rh.  The humidistat is controlling the dehumidifier’s actions and at the same time keeping a cap on energy usage and ensuring that your energy bills are kept to a minimum.

It should be noted that the Laundry mode ignores the humidistat and just runs continuously.

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