Air Purifiers

MeacoClean 76x5 Air Purifier in childs bedroom with dinosaur print

What does an air purifier do, and how do they work?

An air purifier cleans the air by taking out dust, pollen, and bacteria. This helps make the air inside your home healthier. You may be considering an air purifier in your home for a number of reasons. Perhaps you or someone in your household is suffering from allergies which can

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Airborne pollen & allergies throughout spring and summer

5 ways to reduce hay fever symptoms at home

Spring is a season to refresh and look forward to warmer weather but for many, this means the start of months of hardship as the pollen count rises. Hay fever is one of the most commonly known airborne allergies, which a range of plants can trigger, causing discomfort and asthma

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Fighting air pollution in your home

Products featured: MeacoClean CA-HEPA 76×5, H11 HEPA, H13 HEPA Harmful effects of dirty air It is well known that air pollution is dangerous for human health, however, the air inside our homes can be just as unsafe. Dirty air is affecting 97% of homes around the UK, according to reports by

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Meaco graded products are now on Ebay

Everyone loves a bargain and as Meaco does not participate in discounts around Black Friday finding a discounted Meaco product can be a challenge.  But there is a way that you can get hold of a Meaco bargain, via our graded stock. We have moved the graded stock from our

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Milan trade show

Over the years Meaco has been taking part in a number of trade shows across Europe. This year we will be at Milan’s Mostra Convegno Expocomfort (MCE) 2022. As it is our first post-pandemic trade fair, we cannot wait to see customers old and new again! You’ll be able to find us

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Now is the time to be investing in an air purifier

The pandemic created a huge increase in the awareness of the importance of clean air, both at home, in schools, and the workplace. Now with the arrival of spring there is the added problem of a rise in the pollen count and the start of months of hay fever suffering

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Using a dehumidifier to improve your sleep

Air purifiers, dehumidifiers, and humidifiers are a great invention when it comes to improving the quality of the air in your home and increasing your comfort. Many of our customers notice a massive improvement in their quality of life after using these products – anything from improving the quality of

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Dehumidifier next to laundry

What does a dehumidifier do?

Living in a damp climate such as the UK can feel like an ongoing battle against condensation, stubborn damp patches, and the looming threat of