Do air purifiers help with hay fever? Absolutely!

My daughter’s sneezing reminds me that the end of April and start of May signals the start of the peak pollen season. For hay fever sufferers, this often leads to misery that can last into early Autumn.  According to the NHS, 95% of hay fever sufferers in the UK are allergic to grass pollen and around 25% are allergic to tree pollen. Air purifiers help with hay fever, keeping indoor spaces more comfortable all round.

The tree pollen season mainly runs from late March to mid-May when the grass pollen season kicks in and runs through to July. Weed pollen can then keep you sneezing right through to the end of September.

So pretty tough for anyone who struggles with hay fever. Although there is nothing that we can offer you when you are outside, we can make a difference when you are indoors. Your office, or home should be comfortable places – especially when you want to get a good night’s sleep.

How air purifiers can help hay fever by removing pollen

Pollen is actually rather easy to remove from the indoor air and as long as you size your air purifier to the size of your room then you should find that all is OK and you will notice a real difference.

The guide below shows you the two MeacoClean air purifiers and the size of room that they can deal with.

If your symptoms are mild then base the air purifier selection on three air changes an hour. For severe symptoms, move up the scale to perhaps five air changes an hour or for really bad cases seven or eight.

How to make the most of your air purifier

For your air purifier to help with hay fever in the best way, run it in the room on the high fan speed for as long as possible and only drop down to slower fan speeds when you have to (when you want to go to sleep for example).  The longer you run the fan for the cleaner the air in the room will become.  Try and keep the door to other rooms closed and be patient, it will take a few days before you notice any difference.

Running an air purifier in your room will help you cope with hay fever and it can make the difference between a good night’s sleep and waking feeling like you have had no sleep at all.  We have personal experience of exactly that here in the Meaco office and we can promise you that it does work.

As always if you have any questions or need any help then just pick up the phone and call us on 01483 234900.

Products featured: MeacoClean air purifiers

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