Hayfever and pollen allergies are no fun

My daughter suffers terribly with hayfever and this week has seen the start of the sneezing season and two to three months of misery.

Last year it came a lot later with the cold spring and the late start to the pollen season but when it did come it was nasty. Normally trees release their pollen at different times and therefore the allergic reaction to them is milder and spread out over a few months, in 2013 it came in one short, sharp burst and for anyone who is allergic to pollen it was truly horrible.

It was not just my daughter who suffered it was Michelle and I as well, if she couldn’t sleep then we couldn’t sleep and of course the lack of sleep didn’t help anyone’s mood!

Meaco Airvax air purifier
Constant sneezing and a lack of sleep is no fun for anyone. The Airvax helped to provide a good night sleep by cleaning the air and removing the pollen.

For a period we were out of stock of our Airvax air purifier but after about 10 days of the sneezing, runny nose, sleepless nights and short tempers the stock thankfully arrived and I took one home fingers crossed that it would make a difference.

Now, we have lots and lots of independent test data for the Airvax verifying how wonderful it is and proving how well it removes various allergens from the air but this was going to be a true test, could it deal with our daughter and get some much needed sleep for us all? So I put it in her bedroom and ran it at full speed to get as much room air through the filter as possible. The first night it made no difference at all, the second night nothing either and then the third night, success, she slept through. 

Now of course this could have just been exhaustion and not the effect of the Airvax, so the jury was still out.  But I can honestly say that from there on in she was able to get a good’s night sleep every night.  Outside of her bedroom in the rest of the house, outside and in school she still sneezed her way through the day, but at least at night she slept, we slept and everyone felt more human during the day.

I had taken the Airvax out of her room recently meaning to write a piece for this blog about how to tell when you have to clean and change the filter, so the Airvax has been here at work and not at home.  Unfortunately my timing has been poor and she has had to suffer several sleepless nights because I forgot to bring the Airvax home.  Finally, yesterday, I remembered and last night she managed to sleep through the night for the first time in a week or so.

These experiences drove me to write this piece for the blog because losing out on sleep is no fun and I can bring to you this genuine, first hand, experience of how the Airvax filter system really does work and it does deliver fantastic results and can make a real difference if you suffer from hayfever.

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