Meaco Airvax, Air Purifier – Financial Times Feature

There is growing evidence and a deeper understanding of how air pollution can have a negative effect on a family’s health.  Unborn and young children are particularly vulnerable as well as the elderly and allergy sufferers.

Pollution is most obvious in large cities, along busy roads and in industrial areas but there are also many sources of pollutants that we bring into our own home.  Smoking, faulty boilers, chemicals that are given off by new furniture, perfumes, air fresheners, paints and cleaning products (all commonly known as VOCs), dust mites that live in your bed and mould spores can all cause harm.  Whilst family pets can also trigger allergic reactions from their dander.

Air purifiers provide a solution that can provide relief from these allergens.

We are pleased to find the Meaco Airvax Air Purifier featured in the Financial Time’s article, “Inside story on pollution”.

You can read the full feature  here:

Meaco Air Purifier in FT
Air Pollution Meaco Air Purifier

Meaco FT

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