Remove the sticky feeling from the air with a dehumidifier

This week in Great Britain we are enjoying some long overdue hot weather, indeed this might actually be our summer, as whether the warm spell will last or not is always a lottery here (and as with the lottery we normally lose!).  But elsewhere in the world where hot days and nights are the norm the use of a dehumidifier in summer is a common approach.  In fact the British idea of using a dehumidifier almost only in the winter months is seen as being a very peculiar idea.

In the winter we use dehumidifiers mainly to combat condensation on our windows and mould on our walls and although this is a very important use of a dehumidifier it is not the reason why other countries are using dehumidifiers (and in far greater numbers than we do).

This warm spell is hot, sticky and oppressive.  It becomes hard to sleep at night and your clothes have to be changed a few times a day if you want to continue smelling sweet all day long.  One of the major factors that make it hard to cope with the heat is the high moisture content that creates that sticky feeling.  This is because summers are much more humid than winters.

Dehumidifiers remove moisture from the air; this lowers the moisture content of the air, which gets rid of that sticky feeling.  This will make it easier for any moisture on your skin to evaporate which will make you feel cooler.  This is why the use of dehumidifiers in summer is so common in tropical countries around the world.

Out of the two types of dehumidifier available to you – compressor or desiccant, summer humidity is definitely a job for a compressor dehumidifier.  This is because all dehumidifiers increase the temperature of the air as it passes through the machine.  A compressor dehumidifier will increase the air temperature by 1-2°C while a desiccant dehumidifier will increase it by 10-12°C.  Desiccants are great in the winter, but not so in the summer.  A compressor dehumidifier like the Meaco 12L Low Energy is fine for smaller properties while the Meaco 20L Low Energy is popular in medium to large homes.

It also rains a lot more in summer than it does in winter and if you have a basement you will probably find that it suffers from damp problems as the water table rises.  A dehumidifier in the basement will stop the increase in relative humidity from affecting the furnishings in the room and remove that musty smell from the air.

So if you are finding it hard to sleep then or your basement is starting to pong, then a dehumidifier could be the answer to your problems.

Products featured: Meaco 20L Low Energy , Meaco 12L Low Energy

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