Saving Money – How to save over £700 with a Meaco product?

There is no escaping it, energy bills are horrendous at the moment and there does not seem to be any sign that prices will start to fall anytime soon.  Even though there is a predicted price drop in energy prices, these costs are still far higher than what before Covid-19.  This is why energy efficiency makes more sense than ever.

Our promise to make our products energy efficient

At Meaco, we understand the importance of this. In creating a product that fulfils your needs, works quietly and efficiently, all at a low running cost. Keeping electricity bills as low as possible has always made sense, this is why we launched our Low Energy range back in 2012.  In the meantime we have worked hard to refine energy consumption, to ensure all our products are as energy efficient as possible. 

Take our latest range of dehumidifiers as an example. Our MeacoDry Arete One range was created after 5 years of research and development.  We are very proud that our products do the same job as our competitors (often extracting more water than our peers), but they use less energy and therefore cost you less money in electricity.

We are so proud of our designs and we have so much confidence in their superior build quality. That is why we are so transparent and make the effort to list the ‘cost to run per hour’ on every product page.  And we make sure to keep these prices up to date with the latest energy costs. Right now, we sit on 28.62p an hour/kWh – accurate as of Feb 2024 from Energy Saving Trust. (to). All the following data is based on British conditions, with the relative humidity of 60% for temperatures between 10°C and 20°C..

We would urge you to look at these costs, because by buying a Meaco product you could save yourself several £100s in electricity costs, over the lifespan of the product.



In our research, we found that the Meaco Arete One 20L was £140.15 a year cheaper to run than our worst performing competitor (based on six hours use per day for 365 days). The competitor with the best cost to run was still £38.33 more expensive than the Arete One 20L (to run for 1 year).  If you keep your machine for 5 years, that is a minimum saving of £191.65 to a massive £700.15!

Considering that the purchase cost of this model is £259.99 the savings in electricity usage are much greater than the actual cost of the dehumidifier in the first place.



It is not just our dehumidifiers that are cheap to run, our fans are designed in the same way.  In low fan speed, the MeacoFan 1056 can cool you extremely efficiently for less than 10 watts.  

For a practical example, if you were to use the MeacoFan 1056 next to your bed, to keep you cool at night for 8 hours a day, for a month, it would cost you about 70p for the entire month of improved sleep!  That is how energy-efficient and cost-effective our products can be.

The consumer association Which? recently carried out similar testing, which revealed that using an energy-hungry kitchen appliance like a fridge or a washing machine, versus using an energy-efficient model, can be very damaging to your wallet.  For example, the difference in running costs per year for the best and worst fridge freezers was a remarkable £138.00.  Read the full story here.

With electricity costing so much these days this research highlights why it is so important for us all to think carefully before buying an electrical product. Paying a little bit extra for quality can save us a fortune in electricity within months.

*Meaco research carried out by comparing the wattages for competitive dehumidifiers listed on manufacturers websites October 2023.

Saving money is important to our customers worldwide. If you’d like to know more about how dehumidifiers can save you money in other countries too, please have a look at our Norwegian reseller’s blog: 

Which dehumidifier consumes the least electricity? 

How much electricity is an dehumidifier actually using?

77 responses

    1. The air coming out of a desiccant dehumidifier is around 10-12°c warmer than room temperature. This only happens when the machine is dehumidifying and there is no warmth when the target humidity is reached. the dehumidifier certainly has a pleasant effect on the space, but should not be seen as being a heater.

  1. Hi Chris,
    I’ve recently bought a Meaco Arete 12L (very happy with the purchase) but have a quick question.

    The Dehumidifying Indicator light isn’t always on when I’m using the Dehumidifier to do its job. It will turn on then off for say 15 minutes and then go on again. The fan is spinning throughout. Is this normal?

  2. Hi I’m thinking of getting the meaco meacodry abc 12l unit. I live in a old house with stone walls. I get condensation in my master bedroom and mould in the corners of the room and around the cieling. Only thing I’m unsure about is that in the night and most the day wen I’m not there the room temp is at around 12 degree sometimes down as low as 10 espec in winter. Iv seen that the unit goes into defros mode is it below 16. So does the unit still dehumidify wen I’n defrost mode. Or does it stop working. Because it would be a waste of I bought this 1 as the room temp is usually around 12 degrees. So if it doesn’t dehunify in defrost mode then I’m assuming it’s not the right one for me. Thanks for any advice

  3. The dehumidifier works great drying clothes. But I get cheaper electric between midnight and 7 am. I want to be able to run the dehumidifier during those times but it means I have to get up in the night to switch it on. I have tried plugging it into a timer switch but when that clicks on it doesn’t start the dehumidifier. It still has to started manually (on button then humidity level buttons). The timer switch does turn it off though by simply turning off the power. Is there any way the dehumidifier can be pre programmed and left to switch later please?

    1. Jackie,

      You should never use a timer with any dehumidifier from any manufacturer because you are basically creating a power cut and not giving the dehumidifier a chance to turn off safely.


  4. Hi there,

    Can I ask what the differences are between the Meaco 20L Low Energy Dehumidifier & Air Purifier (white and green) and the Arête? It would be good to see a chart if possible?

    Reason I ask is because I have purchased the Meaco 20L Low Energy Dehumidifier & Air Purifier, which comes with a 2 year warranty, but have realised the Arête comes comes with a 5 year warranty. I can’t see a significant difference between the 2 in terms of performance. Thank you.

  5. I have seen efficiencies of dehumidifiers quoted in terms of litres of water removed per kilowatt hour, and of course that is of interest. As I will be using my 20l Platinum in the UK in winter, I am not only interested in the moisture removal rate but also the thermal efficiency, namely the heat energy released into the room versus the electrical energy consumed. Please correct me if I am wrong but the thermal energy released should be the electrical input plus the latent heat of condensation of the moisture removed, giving a thermal efficiency of over 100% (just like a heat pump). Do you have, and publish, such figures? I would have thought that they would be a good “selling point” that would interest users and potential purchasers

    1. Thank you for your message.

      We would love to be able to quote thermal efficiencies and consumer friendly COP ratios for dehumidifiers but sadly this is not done (yet) – there are standards and documents that specifically relate to air-conditioning systems, heat pumps, and refrigeration but the specifically exclude dehumidifiers (and some medical equipment)

      There are several reasons;

      The fusion and vapourisation graphs vary dramatically depending on the phase of dehumidifying that takes place- somebody in the standards industry needs to decide a common point to measure.

      In 2020 we had to change in the UK (and Europe) the type of refrigerants used in dehumidifiers to Hydrocarbons for environmental purposes
      All of the data and work that had been collected with CFCs & HFCs to work towards consumer-friendly COPS and thermal efficiency charts is now irrelevant – due to the size of the industry there is no rust or push for worldwide standards to look at this data quickly

      So in short I can’t really help you with any certified or standardised data – I can if you would like to give me your operating conditions, room temperature, start humidity, desired set point, room size, and incoming voltage work out for you how much energy you will need to reduce by the set figure, and the heat gain produced by the dehumidifier in that process.

      We will need to allow or decide what advantageous ventilation is present and a natural increase caveat (where the humidity is coming from? damp/process/people) and how quickly it replenishes

      If this is of interest then please email me at or if you would like to discuss further I can give you a call

      Kind regards

  6. I have had an arete one 10l since late summer. We keep the room we use it on at about 19 degrees c and the humidity never really drops below the high 60s percent. I have tried running it 24/7 but we can’t get it below that level. The room is about 5 by 6 metres (kitchen/diner). The tank takes about 12-16 hours to fill. Any advice advice?

    1. Rob,

      It would be a combination of never turn it off, let it run 24/7 all the time, make sure that the filter is clean and think about where the water is coming from and trying to reduce the amount of moisture in the air in the house. So use extractor fans more, put washing on an extra spin before hanging it up to dry, use lids on saucepans when cooking etc.


  7. I am looking to save money drying clothes.

    Your dehumidifiers look interesting but the data for water extraction you provide is not helpful. Your test results are from very hot environments of 27 degrees & 30 degrees.

    Currently, in winter, with the electricity price increases my house is about 20 degrees – with all but one heater off.

    I’d like to know how effective your dehumidifiers work drying clothes in normal conditions like my house.

    Do you have this data?

  8. I have the arête 20 model.
    I have a few concerns:
    It is set at 55 and my current humidity is 52 so I’m wondering when this will turn off (in smart mode)?
    Some days it’s been 55 the same as the settings but so far it has never switched off.
    Also I don’t really notice a reduced fan speed in night mode?
    Finally sometimes the smart button is no longer illuminated but the fab still runs?

    1. Sarah,

      Thank you for your purchase and your message. Arete will switch off when the relative humidity hits more than 3%rh below target, so the behaviour you are seeing is normal and is there to take into account sensor and room stability.

      As the room humidity is already so close to the target relative humidity then you will already be in low fan speed, it will only change to the high fan speed if the relative humidity is more than 15%rh above target or in laundry Mode. this is why you are not hearing a change in fan speed when you select Night Mode.

      The smart humidistat button has a light above it, is that the one you mean? This goes out in air purification mode, night mode and laundry mode, is that what you are seeing?


  9. I have 2×1056 fans (one pedestal) I can’t praise them high enough, SO QUIET! And so easy to use with the added bonus of many different functions and remote control, I couldn’t live without these now and have and will recommend these fans as best in the market, has even made my £400 Dyson redundant!

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